Constitutional Law Examination And Reform Party

What is Constitution Law Examination And Reform or CLEAR Party all about?

Introducing a new political system for the 21st Century by Michael Banjanin

Ever wonder why anyone would vote for or believe such an obvious liar? I mean think about it, when you were younger were you ever weirded out by these sleazy eyed, repulsive and generally arrogant yes men, speaking a whole lot of jargon making promises they rarely kept and somehow kept getting away with it?

Well that’s how I felt, it’s also the reason why I exercised my right not to enroll to vote. I couldn’t understand why a better system, a more honest and accountable political system was never developed. As I got older I got wiser. I recognised the system that is, satisfies the agenda of the Few who are in control, much to the detriment of society as a whole.

So I began to think about this. We are continually being conditioned to follow their propaganda, which is to keep us in debt, to be dumbed down and specialize in our mundane mindless task orientated job until we’re either worn out or made redundant. We are in fact victims of a perpetuating parasitical system.

Think about this:-

If we are supposedly born equal, why don’t we all have an equal share in our country as an inheritance?

If this is a democracy, why aren’t the people ever properly represented?

Who ever made us believe the lie that the average human does not have the intellect to make simple decisions on laws, based for the common good?

The answer to all these questions is based on lies and deception being fed to us by those who are currently profiteering on the backs of everyone else.

We are conditioned to believe that any real solution is only a pipe dream, a ridiculed Utopian Impossibility and that those in control do not Conspire. In fact anyone who even hints at the Word Conspiracy is automatically ridiculed, earmarked as a terrorist  or even worse assassinated.

Now you may say, “Well look at the past, they shot JFK, Martin Luther King all the way back to Jesus and beyond to the dawn of time. It stands to reason that we’ll never change the Nature of the Beast that lives in us. For who ever we put in power, you know the saying, ‘As power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately,’ eventually they’ll cave in and be like the rest. Am I not right?” You conclude.

Well yes, your right. In fact it’s the answer to the problem. Invert the power structure where 75% of members agree on the agenda, where the minister is simply a signatory and spokesperson, who has No Power to change what was voted. Brilliant!!!

Those who oppose could shoot our messenger, shoot our Kennedy so to speak and nothing would change, for we would have hundreds, thousands of Kennedy’s ready to fill that ministerial position. Shooting the minister or even the entire top end brains trust would be pointless for it could not force the will of the majority.

This would automatically eradicate the ability for a minority or secret subversive group from taking control.

In other words unless the majority were corrupt, no corrupted law or agenda could pass.

What I’ve been searching for is a Fully Transparent governing system designed to keep governance, Totally Accountable to the public for it’s actions and to eliminate corruption.

This is what prompted me to invent the acronym of CLEAR, Constitutional Law Examination And Reform, a name which reflects that which is needed to be done.

The Aim is to unveil the truth, Full Disclosure to the public on all issues.

For I believe, ‘We Can Handle The Truth,’ and that the 21st Century is ushering in a global ultimatum to our species:-

Which is to either stick to the Status Quo and remain Slaves to an archaic evil system based on one of the most evil games ever invented on this Earth, aka Monopoly, or

Break Free from this tyrannical lunacy of dog eat dog mentality and finally grow up as the conscientious species we would like to be remembered for. A legacy worth fighting for all our future generations.

Come, join Me and Billions of other like minded people who have finally had ENOUGH!

Following are some of the main points I would like to see addressed and if you feel as strongly as I do about any one of these goals then I ask you, in all humility to contact us and get involved.

P.S. Now after 32 years of abstaining to enrol, in this being my 50th Jubilee year of life  on this  planet, there is finally a Party Worth Enrolling to Vote For!

Even though I know I’m venturing out on a limb, I’m going for it!

Michael Banjanin

Founder of The CLEAR Party and
Husband, Father, Plumber, Scientist, a man of faith in God, Both sinner and saint, perfect I ain’t, Just a fallible human being.

Contact: Michael on 0431 44 11 44
PO Box 980  Melton  3337  Australia

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